Online PR News – 16-June-2011 – CEO and President, Kurt Danskin, of Office Remote Control, LLC announced recently the addition of a Virtual Paralegal Division to the company's offerings. "This is going to secure our position on the national scene," Danskin stated earlier this week. "Find me another virtual assistance company that offers the number of services and the diversity of services that we offer - you can't find them", he claims.
Paralegal services are in high demand but smaller law offices, although business is booming, find it difficult to keep a full-time paralegal on staff. The company has already created partnership with several law firms in the Midwest and hope to continue expanding. The response from both attorneys and paralegals have been outstanding.
CFO Jason Powell reports, "in the first 24 hours of advertising for paralegals, we had over 100 resumes submitted". This makes for a lot of work for the company who prides itself on choosing high-quality, professional independent contractors.
The company, started in 2008, has been expanding almost every quarter since then, now offering over 250 products and services for individuals and companies. The paralegal division is just another example of their diversity.
"We will have a virtual paralegal for every legal setting you can imagine", Danskin stated. They currently have paralegals who are experts in family law, divorce, bankruptcy, small claims, criminal law, medical and more.